Blogging seems to be all the rage among my friends, so I thought maybe it was time to jump on the bandwagon. So, for those of you who know me, here's an update on the last little while.
Adam and I both graduated from BYU in April, though he still has an independent study class to finish. We've mostly been chillin' around Provo until Adam could find a job, which he did. He started at last week, and so far he loves his job. He works in north Provo, so we've been looking for an apartment closer. We found a basement apartment in Orem that is quite large but still affordable. It looks like we'll move starting tomorrow. We're both very excited about this new place.
We're excited also because the place is a two bedroom, which we will need come the end of September. Just as an update, everything still looks fine and we're still due the 29th. She's very active and seems to enjoy doing aerobics while I'm trying to sleep. But we're excited and can't wait until she comes.
Check back for updates on our crazy lives. :)